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Zoo Offers [op=op, update: 15min.]

With discount to the zoo

For those who want to spend a day away, there are many possibilities in the Netherlands, Belgium and directly across the German border. You never get bored. Visit a museum, a beautiful city, have a nice lunch, go to the amusement park or visit a conductor's garden with discount! Especially if you have children who come along then a theme park is great fun. However, if you are a bit older than you often lack a more educational, serious component when you go to such a 'fair'. Surely it should be a fun day out for everyone?

In this respect, zoos are a nice golden mean to meet the needs of the whole family's day out. You look your eyes out and you often learn something from them, even as an adult. And thanks to, the best discount deals for a visit to many zoos are right at your fingertips.

Good zoos enough, but each with its own character

'Are we going to the zoo today? We hate zoos.' You only get a remark like that from your children when you visit the same zoo all the time. In reality, however, there are very many different zoos where you can see very many different animals. The atmosphere and the offerings are completely different and so is the way you (and your family) experience the day out. On day you will fortunately find offers for all these different zoos. Yes we're going to the zoo today, but it's going to be totally different than last time'.

The zoo deals you'll find here include:

  • Zoo's focused on the underwater world;
  • Safari zoos;
  • Bird parks;
  • Butterfly gardens and reptiles zoo's.

Each of these zoos guarantees a totally different 'day out experience'. The only agreement is that you book your visit via this site with the highest possible discount. So get your deal now!'

Deals for aquariums and dolphinariums

An aquarium is ideal for a day out when the weather conditions are less beautiful. After all, all inexpensive aquariums are predominantly covered. However, the tropical atmosphere of many underwater worlds will soon lead you to an exotic destination. For example, book a cheap visit to Sea Life in Scheveningen.

Because of their design with, among other things, large water basins, dolphinariums are mainly located outdoors. Often there are covered grandstands. In the Netherlands we have a large Dolfinarium in Harderwijk. The best offers for a visit can be booked here. You can also book an all-inclusive package for spring, summer and autumn. Then access to the water attraction Water fun, a playground where both small and large water rats feel like a fish in the water, is included in the entrance fee to this dolphinarium. Book the best offers for the Harderwijk dolphinarium directly!

Advantages for visiting safari zoos

If you think of zoos, you think of the king of animals and of course that's the lion. Lions can be found in most zoos. However, the best thing is when you can observe them in their natural, spacious habitat. If you book a discount ticket to the Beekse Bergen then you can go on a car or bus safari and suddenly you are actually face to face with a lion. Keep the car window closed, then it's safe! Also other animals from the steppelands like giraffes, zebras and leopards pass by here directly in front of your vehicle. Nowhere else do you get such a realistic picture of how these animals actually live in Africa. One that for such a favorable access deal.

With discount to a bird park

Bird parks are mostly neatly landscaped parks where you can stay. The most important animal theme in such, mostly cheap zoos are of course 'birds'. Some birds are kept in cages and aviaries. However, there are also bird parks where visitors have access to large indoor spaces or areas that are set off with nets so that the birds have space but cannot escape. There you literally enter the bird kingdom. Beware of bird droppings on your head! The entrance fee to bird parks is generally favourable. And for extra discount you can book your ticket via day

In the bird kingdom we soon think of relatively shy animals that are difficult to spot without binoculars. Too little action? Most bird parks also have birds of prey such as vultures and white-tailed eagles. Some have a wingspan of more than 2.5 meters. Your discount deal for access to a follower park of your choice often includes a falconer's life show. Very impressive what his eagle can do for tricks.

Do you feel less like the action of all kinds of predators today, is it winter and are you cold? There are zoos in the form of butterfly gardens where it's nice and quiet and you can take off your coat immediately. Butterfly gardens in the open air are closed in winter. But there are also covered greenhouses full of tropical vegetation where the humidity is high and the temperature never drops below 30 degrees. Such zoos are the year-round domain of tropical butterflies, brightly coloured birds and small reptiles.

A visit to such a butterfly garden and/or reptiles zoo brings you directly into a different climate. Do you opt for an offer for such a day out? Then bring a handkerchief so you can dab your forehead once in a while. After all, it becomes sweaty. But enjoy the special animals that live here. Your discount ticket for such zoos can easily be booked here. The best deals for access to such zoos are already waiting for you.

Offers for all types of zoos on day

Let on this website know your location and you'll see at a glance where you can find the best offers for visiting zoos in your area. You don't have to get bored with the many zoo deals on And if you still want to experience a different outing, then choose from one of the many discount offers you can find here for water activities, wellness and sauna, concert and theatre and much more.

There's plenty to do. So have a good time! used cookies:   More information