
Personal newsletter Register now
and get any deals YOU want!

Only receive offers that YOU want in your mailbox!

Do you also receive offers in your mailbox that you're not really looking for? Newsletters often contain standard offers and are impersonal. In addition, you can never choose when YOU want to receive the offers.

Wouldn't it be easy for YOU to decide which offers you want to receive? And end up in your mailbox on your chosen day and time? Specific offers tailored to YOUR interests.

Make your personal newsletters offers you the possibility to compose your own personal newsletter. You decide not only which offers you want to receive but also on which day and time.

Personal newsletter

Do you only want to receive holiday and daytrips offers? Or do you prefer electronics and gadgets offers in your mailbox? With the personal newsletter of YOU choose which offers you want to receive.

It is also possible to find all offers nearby based on your location. Think for example of your favorite restaurant or snack bar nearby. This way you will only receive offers that are relevant to YOU.

You can create as many personal newsletters as you like. has many categories to choose from. So you can create a very specific personal newsletter.

Choice of 4 types of newsletters:

Offers in your area. Go away for a day or a night out cheaply.

Online shopping at a high discount. You order from an online store. The daily deals are delivered to your home.

Go away cheaply for a few days/weeks. Think of city trips, round trips, winter sports or sun holidays.

Enter one or more words. As soon as a word appears in the title of an offer you will receive an email.

Personalized offers to your liking

  • No more spam. Only receive offers that YOU want.
  • Choose the days and times that YOU want.
  • Create as many newsletters as you want.
  • Sat of? You can pause or cancel your registration at any time.
  • This service will always be free for you.


1  Fill in your email address below and press the red button.
2  Open your mailbox and find the e-mail. Also look in your spam- or advertising folder.
3  Open the email and click on the link to confirm your registration.
...and receive a confirmation email within minutes.

Personal newsletter Sign up immediately
and get any deals YOU want!

Only receive offers that YOU want in your mailbox! Create your own unique personal newsletter. used cookies:   More information