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Workshops & Training Offers [op=op, update: 15min.]

Are you looking for a special day out? Then a cheap workshop is a good idea! There are endless possibilities. For example, there are workshops for women making jewelry or a yoga workshop. Workshops especially for men are for example a beer tasting or an afternoon learning to drive a sports car. There are really hundreds of options to come up with. There is always a workshop offer that best fits your needs. For a family day, children's party, friends day or a bachelor party; everything is possible.

Types of workshop offers: in all shapes and sizes

In the examples above you can already see that there are endless possibilities when it comes to workshops. For example, there are very creative workshops, but also training courses that are more culinary. Do you want to be more sporty? Then of course you can. With various training offers you are also busy for a whole day or afternoon for a favorable price. Are you looking for an original, fun workshop? Below you will find a number of interesting examples to get inspired!

What to look out for in a cheap workshop?

If you are planning to do a workshop soon, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, it is important that you know exactly what your target group wants to do. Does the group mainly consist of men or women? Are they adults or are there also children? Depending on the group you want to do a workshop with, you can also choose the type. So choose something you think almost everyone will enjoy.

View the different workshop offers at the top of this page. This will give you a lot of inspiration. You can also compare prices and see what fits your budget. With a larger group it quickly becomes a lot more expensive to pay. However, a large group can also work to your advantage. As a result, the prices per person will usually go down.

Fine, cheap workshop in the Netherlands to choose

Since there are so many possibilities, it can also be very difficult to choose something. Once you've decided that you want to do a culinary workshop, you can do a lot of different workshops. For example, you can cook, decorate cakes or make chocolates. Below are some of the best workshop offers highlighted.

Workshop making your own bag

There's always a good reason for a new bag. A bag is a beautiful accessory and can be tailored to your outfit. And what could be nicer than making your own bag? This type of workshop is great fun to do with your friends or colleagues. During the workshop you will use a basic bag, which you can then design to your own taste. You can choose the colors and materials yourself to make your own personal, unique bag.

Making your own perfume during a creative workshop with discount

Sport car driving offersCalm down with an afternoon of yoga and mindfulness offer

Today a lot of people have to deal with stress. Because of work, social activities and the housekeeping, a moment of rest can sometimes come at a loss. A workshop yoga and mindfulness are then a very good option. During an afternoon you will completely unwind and learn the basics of these soothing activities. This makes it a very instructive afternoon and you can still use it afterwards. This is often a fairly inexpensive workout, as it requires little equipment.

Sporting during a training crossfit with discount

Do you want to get in very good shape in a quick and fun way? Then crossfit might be something for you. This type of training combines weightlifting, gymnastics and running. This makes it a very versatile activity and fun for both young and old. With a workshop offer you can follow a number of lessons. For example, you can follow 8 lessons of one hour, after which you are already well on your way. Of course you can do this on your own, but it is also possible to do this with a group. This is not only extra fun, but it also motivates each other extra.

Different culinary workshop offers

In the culinary field there are many possibilities. For example, you can learn to bake special cakes or make chocolates. Of course you can also go to a real cooking school and prepare your own dinner with your friends or family.

An additional advantage is that you can eat it together afterwards! It is also fun for a day of friends to learn how to barbecue or taste beer. For children there are also cheap workshops in the culinary field. For example, you can go to the Bakery Museum and the children can bake their own biscuits. A super cozy outing for a children's party for example. used cookies:   More information